Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Real Animal House

True, when you are young you do stupid things, but you also are occasioned to go brain dead later in life as well. Case in point.

I was on vacation last summer in North Carolina and had blown through the books I brought with me. I saw this on a bargain table at Barnes & Noble. A couple of years before I nearly bought it at full price because like every other testosterone filled guy back in the 1970's I thought "Animal House" was the funniest thing ever. And this was the book that inspired the movie!

Thankfully this mistake only cost me a few bucks.

I won't say I didn't smile at times, but the humor was so rank, so base, so stupid I was embarrassed to have purchased it. More than that I was embarrassed to be seen reading it by my daughters.

When I finished it the decision was easy. Stories about prostitutes, drunkenness, puking, and excrement couldn't be kept. I tossed it in the trash and I usually keep everything I read.

The pleasure of reading is like a spectacular view of a green valley, the ocean at sunset, a mountain lake, or your kid playing dress up. There's never enough time to soak it all in. Bad books, like bad views, steal way too much time. Stay away from them.

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