Monday, December 15, 2008


By Joe Torosian

“Joe you are literally giving me an ulcer!”
--- Connie Keenan

Charter Oak got to play at Mt. Sac.
Temple City got to play at home.
What did Rosemead get?
A long road trip, freezing weather, and limited seating.
No,…Rosemead got hosed!
Who puts a high school in the middle of the desert?
Diamond Ranch needed to go for two after they scored to make it 23-13 at the start of the fourth quarter.
CO’s A.J. Powell is the best player nobody knows about.
Paraclete beat Rosemead. Don’t ask how, they just beat the Panthers.
Mead, however, had a piece taken out of them when Knight High School was approved as the finals venue.
Nice field, good sidelines, great parking, but how could it be considered a championship site when the visitors side was one averaged size grandstand.
Spoke to former Trib star Aram Tolegian at the Southeast Division finals.
He is alive and well working for Fox.
Rapport with Fred Robledo (Trib) and Miguel Melendez (Star) has been solid but this living in the press box during the finals is weak. Scott French has been up in the box as well, I think Steve Ramirez too.
Prep football is great theater, no matter how cold the weather, you need to be on the sideline.
…Even when you have to stand on the sideline next to Peterson and have people blame you for his picks.
Charter Oak now has four CIF titles.
As one who likes passion in sport, I have always admired what the football player goes through just to reach a high place.
I admire the survival aspect of it all, because in football you can take care of your business on the field but still have the outcome subject to the decisions others in regards to seedings, coin flips, and venue.
If you have made it to the finals, the last game of the season, no matter what, rejoice.
Some tears are understandable, but they should be tempered by the blessing of a special season.
If losing a CIF final is the hardest knock you take in life, a life most likely to be filled with children getting sick, needing shoes, a mortgage, war, and uncertain career advancement, then you are going to do alright.
You’ve been blessed.
“I would have given anything just to have lost in the first round of the playoffs,” said Mid Valley intern George Hernandez, who played offensive tackle for Mountain View earlier this decade.
Diamond Ranch linebackers Kyle Lengyel and Bryan Bonilla were off the charts against the Chargers on Friday.
Lengyel is hoping to continue his career at the Air Force Academy.
He doesn’t have to impress me, but Rosemead offensive lineman Gilbert Ramirez was amazing to watch as he played through an injury to his right arm/shoulder Saturday night.
The dude was amazing especially late when things became evident they weren’t going to go the Panthers way he kept taking his act out onto the field.
Nice hit Alex Chang.
I expected the sound system at Mt. Sac would have been better.
I thought there were more people at the Smudgepot game than the Southeast title bout
Lesson learned this post season from Northview to Rosemead?
You can’t put it all on your defense. The offense has to make plays.
Speaking of making plays Rosemead’s Tra Sumler finished his four game post-season in 2008 with 919-yards rushing.
Our expansion this season to include the Mid-Valley and Southeast Divisions gave us a nice 15-week ride this year.
Of course the first Monday night after it all ends I get stuck watching McNabb Night Football.
…And of course the ESPN crew doing their standard sell job for the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback.
If you think Brett Favre gets too much praise…listen to Berman, Ditka, Johnson, Carter, and Jackson wax on about McNabb.
Did I hear it right? Is Charter Oak being considered for one of the state Bowl games?
Joe can be reached at or


  1. What happened to you guys this week? It was disapointing to have your site down.

  2. This blog is cool but that new midvalley news website is horrible! What happened to the other one? Half the time you can't access it and even if you can it's hard to read anything. What are they trying to do? Ruin you? get out while you still can! - Knight Rider.

  3. Get out? Where am I going to go?
    Joe T.

  4. Try the Star News - Looks like Melendez could use the help! - Knight Rider.

  5. Who's in line for the LP job? - Knight Rider
